Today’s post continues the thread from last week, The Walking Wounded (Part 1). The question for those who are emotionally wounded often is, “Where do I find a skilled healer?” and “How do I know this is the right person to walk with me through the journey to healing?” For many, the search for a skilled counselor is difficult and can even be frightening to take the step to ask for help. Then the task can be daunting to locate the “right” helper. Some will begin by asking their close friends or family members for a referral while others begin with their health insurance provider. Others will simply begin their search online. Yet, pictures and descriptions may not always accurately represent what one’s actual experience will be like. While I cannot predict your experience with me or with another counselor, I can tell you how walking through your journey toward healing might be different with a counselor who approaches therapy with an integrated approach that includes both proven psychological models of healing and Biblical principles.

Where Differences Begin

One primary difference is that many counselors function more like medics on the battlefield who offer a simple dressing over a gunshot wound and send the client back into the front lines of a relational or emotional battle without addressing the deeper issues of the heart. The result is sad, but predictable… back on the battlefield, the wounded soldier gets wounded again and more seriously. The soldier may look for another skilled helper while another may simply give up on life, relationships, or whatever is causing them pain. Without hope, the soldier may die.

All counselors are called, and I believe truly desire, to offer hope to the wounded. Yet, it is my experience that those who rely upon psychology alone as the source of healing miss out on the strength and hope that is offered through the power of Jesus Christ. You see, psychology emphasizes the self and personal empowerment. Depending on the theoretical approach of the counselor, psychology can be highly effective in treating a variety of mental health disorders… things like changing one’s thinking and perspective, finding direction, meaning in life, and hope through personal choices that reflect goals and personal or relational dreams.

The Answer: God is Refuge to the Emotionally Wounded

Still, the search for this meaning is centered on the self which can be a lonely process. God created us for relationship with both Him, the Creator, Ruler, and victorious Savior. Christian counseling offers hope through relationship, and there is no need to walk through life alone. In my brokenness, I am never alone (Psalm 34:18). In my grief, I am never alone (Psalm 23). In my suffering, I am never alone. He even promises to fight on my behalf (Deuteronomy 33:29). When I am broken, God lifts my head (Psalm 3:3-4) and makes me rise on the wings of an eagle (Isaiah 40:31). When I am grieving, God comforts me (Psalm 94:19) and provides me refuge (Psalm 36:8). He promises to turn my mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11) and assures me that my grief will only last for a brief time (Psalm 30:5). When I am suffering, He promises to never give me more than I can endure (and that he sets my feet upon the Rock (Psalm 40:2). God is my skilled surgeon. He is the one who graciously comes to my rescue… He is my air-lift (Psalm 18:19)!

You see, there is healing power in my belief and surrender to God. As a fallible person, I must recognize that I cannot experience meaningful joy without the presence of God working within me. Sure, one without Christ can find happiness in life, but that happiness is fleeting. It may be experienced but then another tragedy occurs, and that person is devastated once more.

The mission of Renew embraces not only quality care that reaches the deep emotional and relational wounds that keep people in a place of desperation and bondage, but we offer clients hope through the power of God working… hope that they need not just find a way to cope and survive through life, but also be renewed to fully live. Through Christ, I am no longer ashamed. Through Christ, I am a new creation. As the words from a song, Aaron Keyes’ music “Dwell” say, “I am not the same anymore.”

Do You Need Some Hope Today?

Do you crave HOPE for your situation? Do you want to never be the same again? Why not give God a try? Why not give Christian counseling a try? Our counseling staff is always respectful of you and your personal beliefs, and we offer our services without pressure in a compassionate and caring environment. To learn more, browse through the counseling services that we offer, and begin your journey to lasting healing today by calling (602) 633-4032. NOTE: This integration is not mandatory to do counseling with our practice. It is completely at your request and we are respectful of all people regardless of beliefs.